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Recovery Coaching & Case Management

Connect2Recovery is Riverside’s supportive approach to helping individuals achieve not only recovery from substance addiction and mental health issues, but overall wellness in terms of a healthy quality of life as defined by the individual. Connect2Recovery is designed to:

  • Eliminate barriers to recovery
  • Support a person’s chosen pathway of recovery

We use a person-centered, strengths-based approach that puts the person in recovery in the lead. You will work with a team of trained peers – a Recovery Support Navigator, Recovery Coach, or Certified Peer Specialist – to develop a Recovery Wellness Plan. These are the goals you wish to achieve in one or more areas of life such as forming connections in the community, physical health, education, housing, and emotional health. If the person seeking services already has a care team in place, our team of experts will work in conjunction with them to formulate the best care plan possible.

Recovery Support Navigators are case managers who will assist the person in substance use and/or mental health recovery to break down barriers in daily life that interfere with recovery. Using the Recovery Wellness Plan as the blueprint, Navigators know what services are available in the community and can connect the person to a network of supports for a healthy balanced life. They can help:

  • Coordinate therapy and Medication Assisted Treatment
  • Connect to peer recovery resources like AA, NA, SMART recovery, DRA, and peer re­covery centers
  • Assist with access to living/finan­cial supports such as food stamps and transitional assistance
  • Connect to health providers and specialists
  • Support with drug court and pro­bation
  • Coordinate with DCF and family supports

Recovery Coaches are peers who have lived experience with substance use, and have completed training to encourage, motivate, and support a person in substance use recovery (including those in mental health recovery).  Using a person-centered, strengths-based approach, a Recovery Coach is a culturally sensitive advocate and role model who helps members make positive life choices and connect to recovery-friendly social relationships. They can:

  • Serve as a mentor and guide for recov­ery wellness and life goals
  • Help explore pathways of recovery, and sup­port connection to the recovery com­munity
  • Provide motivation, coaching, emotion­al support, and peer accountability
  • Support connection, reconnection, and conflict reduction with family and friends
  • Assist with self-advocacy and access to counseling and medical services, legal supports, and living resources

Certified Peer Specialists are individuals who have mental health lived experience, have completed training, and are certified to support those in mental health recovery. Using a mutually supportive, strengths-based approach, a Certified Peer Specialist is a culturally sensitive advocate and role model who helps individuals gain hope, explore mental health recovery and achieve life goals. They can:

  • Serve as a mentor, advocate, and guide for mental health wellness and life goals
  • Help remove obstacles to recovery and link individuals to a mental health recovery community
  • Provide encouragement and inspiration by sharing their recovery experience
  • Build self-efficacy by supporting the voices and choices of the individual

Meet our team members here

Referrals to Connect2Recovery can be made by a primary care or behavioral health provider, a hospital or health center, community safety or emergency services department, or the individual seeking services. Connect2Recovery services are available to members of a MassHealth Managed Care plan.

C2R Referral Form

To view our downloadable Connect2Recovery brochure, click the image below.






For more information call 781-234-1650 or email