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Community Living Services

Adult Community Clinical Services (ACCS)

Our Adult Community Clinical Services (ACCS) program provides individuals living with mental health challenges an array of service options to help them develop skills and gain resources for a successful life in their community. We collaborate with individuals using this program, as well as their support system, to create treatment plans that promote resiliency and recovery. Individuals will have a comprehensive, integrated team of clinical and peer professional supports, who will help the individual identify personal goals, create a plan, connect with supports, obtain independent housing, provide addiction treatment support, prepare for employment and education, and more. The primary team, consisting of a Clinician and a Peer Support Staff, will be the main connection with the larger Integrated Team, which may also include: Counselor, Nurse, Housing Coordinator, Employment and Education Specialist, Dual Recovery Specialist, Recovery Coach, Occupational Therapist, Psychologist, and Family Partner. Services are provided individually and in groups, with supports available 24 hours a day, as needed.

Program of Assertive Community Treatment (PACT)

The Riverside Program of Assertive Community Treatment (PACT) provides an array of clinical, rehabilitative, and recovery-oriented services for adults with challenging and persistent problems related to psychiatric illnesses, who have not responded to more traditional services. Our community-based team of professionals and peer mentors support the PACT member’s personal recovery journey. The services are provided as needed in a community setting and are available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year. PACT provides mental health and substance use interventions as well as linking members to community-based, self-help resources and providing direct rehabilitation, vocational, and housing related services.

Individuals must be referred by the Department of Mental Health to be eligible for these programs.