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Helping Your Child Save a Life

How would you respond if your child told you their friend might be thinking about suicide? Join the SOS Signs of Suicide team to learn about parents’ important role in youth suicide prevention. This 30-minute webinar for middle school and high school parents will educate on the risk factors and warning signs of depression and suicide and how to ACT (Acknowledge, Care, Tell) if you are concerned about a young person in your life. The webinar will also discuss the SOS program and the basics of school-based suicide prevention. At the end, participants will have the opportunity to ask questions during a Q&A session.

Please note this webinar is offered for educational purposes. MindWise Innovations does not provide any direct behavioral health support or services. If you are worried about yourself or a loved one, please call the Suicide Prevention Lifeline at 1-800-273-8255 or text ACT to 741741.

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