Neponset River House Sweeps Away Stigma
Riverside’s Neponset River House successfully hosted their second “Sweep Away Stigma” event as members gathered together to raise funds and awareness for mental health care and reduce the associated stigma.
read more >05.03.24
Peer Support Transforms Mental Healthcare in Massachusetts
There’s a quiet sea change underway in some mental healthcare settings in Massachusetts and beyond — and it often looks a lot different from therapy.
read more >04.30.24
April 2024 Newsletter
In this issue of the Riverside newsletter we share a glimpse into a special program for families, exciting recent events around Riverside, and a helpful webinar you may want to tune into!
read more >04.25.24
Riverside CEO Marsha Medalie Receives a Lifetime Achievement Award from the National Council for Mental Wellbeing
Riverside CEO Marsha Medalie receives a well-deserved Lifetime Achievement Award from the National Council for Mental Wellbeing, the nation’s premier behavioral healthcare organization. Congratulations, Marsha!
read more >04.23.24
The ABCs of ERGs: Interviewing the Leader of Riverside’s Power of Lived Experience Group
Read an exciting new interview with Louie Mackie, Chair of our Power of Lived Experience ERG, to learn how Riverside’s Employee Resource Groups are fostering inclusion and supporting the mental wellness of our staff.
read more >04.10.24
Recapping Riverside’s Annual Gala: Another Tremendous Success!
Riverside’s annual Gala was a tremendous success! On Friday, April 5, our event featured impactful speakers, delicious food, and overwhelmingly positive energy. Check out our recap to learn more.
read more >03.01.24
Western Mass Employment Collaborative’s Project Coordinator and Employer Liaison Appears on Channel 22
Christine Ventulett-Buckley of the Western Mass Employment Collaborative (WMEC) recently appeared on Springfield Channel 22 for a special “In Focus” segment to discuss the myriad of ways WMEC helps bring independence to individuals with physical or developmental disabilities by helping them secure sustainable employment. Watch her interview now.
read more >02.28.24
Community Behavioral Health Centers One Year Later
One year into the initiative, National Public Radio took the pulse of Community Behavioral Health Centers (CBHCs).
read more >02.28.24
Marsha Medalie to Retire After 30 Years
Riverside CEO Marsha Medalie will retire on June 30, 2024, with current President Vic DiGravio taking the helm as CEO on July 1. Read her letter to the community here.
read more >02.26.24
Sharing Your Home and Your Heart: An Interview with a Shared Living Provider
Riverside’s Shared Living program matches adults with intellectual and developmental disabilities, autism, or acquired brain injuries with welcoming individuals or families in their community for long-term, in-home placement. Throughout this interview, Shared Living Provider Stella explains why she loves the program and how Shared Living truly enriches the lives of all who are involved.
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